Saturday, November 20, 2010

Philadelphia Injury Lawyer Talks About Placing a Monetary Value on an Injury

Some people are against the very concept of compensating injured accident victims with money. They may feel that persons who had been injured just need to be strong and bear their losses. Finally, the non-fault insurance to cover their medical bills and lost wages. This is a good bet that these people have never been seriously injured in an accident. Nor is it likely that someone in their family suffered a similar fate. However, it is fair to consider the issue of pain directly translate into dollars.

Maybe some people think that it demeans the value of human suffering financial value placed on it. This method is still only our legal system should be compensated by malicious actions of negligent drivers, shopowners, corporations, etc. And as long as this method of compensation is available to injured accident victims and their lawyers will seek to get the maximum financial compensation for injury . It is human nature.

Still another point to increased costs of doing business are feeling the injury court case. They believe that these added costs are passed to the form of higher consumer prices. There is some merit in this argument. I think it is worth paying such a high price for keeping the right of judicial compensation. Not only can help the financial compensation to accident victims in general, but the threat of liability lawsuits companies continue their errors. As well as the fact that the Bible is Exodus 21:25 authorizes financial compensation for pain are subjected to each other.

Pending further changes to our current laws of neglect, physical free to look at the court for financial compensation for injuries caused by negligent acts of others. Taking into account that this system, or some form of it, probably will remain in force for many years to come the questions becomes: What is the injury case worth? Unfortunately, there is no way to know is sure what the case may be settled for before the treatment is concluded, and the doctor's projections show.

If he was initiated many accidents and many times, the average customer has no idea the amount for which a personal injury case should be solved. The fate of the customer, all intents and purposes, is in the hands of the attorney. If a lawyer for some reason, wants to settle the case, although fair value has been offered of how the customer to know this: There are no easy answers here, which is why it is important to keep a lawyer you can trust. I know of no other area of life with the possible exceptions to your doctor or get your car repaired, a simple client to trust the honesty and good judgment other.

Lawyers and insurance adjusters estimate personal injury cases in many ways. For simple cases, such as neck and back strains and sprains (soft tissue injury), that heal over time, will be key factors for the duration of treatment and, perhaps, the amount of medical bills. Some adjusters and lawyers simply multiply the total medical bills for three or four to determine the settlement value. It is a very simple approach, which is used less these days than in the past. Medical bills not yet figure in the settlement of this type of injury assessment work. Bills are also considered a small amount of a more serious injury cases.

Perhaps a rule of thumb for a "soft tissue injury" cases is $ 2,000 per month for treatment. Thus, the soft tissues of the back and neck injury with three months of treatment is likely to settle for between $ 5,000 and $ 7,000. There is a limit to such a calculation. Then, perhaps 6 or 7 months treatment, the insurance company may begin to doubt that the plaintiff is only prolonging treatment drive up settlement. Of course, it is still absolutely inexcusable treatment of a visit longer than necessary to restore your injuries.

Ruptured discs, bone kotrvatskneri and injuries due to scarring of the compensated more generously than in soft tissue injuries. Insurance companies more often than not in doubt is that soft tissue injuries to imagine exaggerated. Herniated discs, kotrvatskneri and scarring can not be falsified, at least not without the help of a charlatan.

Srutyune the injury greatly influences the settlement proposal. Thus, there will be features of the individual. For example, a facial scar is an attractive young woman is "worth" more than male rock in an elderly man. A permanent injury to the child brings much more to offer than a similar injury will be an adult. A herniated disc suffered a skilled manual laborer has more "value" than a herniation sustained by a person with sedentary work. A soft tissue injuries sustained by a person, a long history of suing for accidents brings lower offer than the same injury was suffered by the plaintiff.

The largest jury awards and, therefore, the largest settlements involve severe head injuries, loss of limbs, paralysis and death. Even the catastrophic injuries must be carefully documented to achieve the maximum settlement value. This is especially important to catastrophic injuries for the insurance company to realize that your lawyer knows how to prove these kinds of cases. Claims adjusters are terrified by the huge jury returned verdicts on cases involving serious and permanent injury.

Other factors that influence the cost of the settlement include:

authority of your attorney,

authority of your doctor,

amount of property damage,

amount of time missed from work, and

willingness of you and your lawyer to hold out the top dollar.

These factors are important in all personal injury cases.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pennsylvania Injury Lawyer Talks About Philadelphia Injury To Pedestrian

This article has a sample complaint for a pedestrian who is hit by a car. The Board will also reimburse you for the woman pedestrian.

1. The applicant is Joshua Williams, an adult individual, who lives at the address given in the caption.

2. The applicant is Rachel Williams, an adult individual, who lives at the address given in the caption.

3. Defendant Gina Davis is an adult individual, who lives at the address given in the caption.

4. On or about the 5th October 2006 was approximately 5.15, plaintiff, Joshua Williams was a pedestrian, who suffered from a motor vehicle in the vicinity of Curie Boulevard and University Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as a result, he was taken in serious injury, the details are explained in more detail .

5. At such time date and place, the motor vehicle owned and operated by defendant, Gina Davis.

6. The said accident caused solely by the negligence of the defendant, Gina Davis and was in no way made on the basis of any sort to the actions of the plaintiff.

7. After the accident Mr Joshua Williams was required to undergo medical treatment with the following providers:

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Benjamin Chang, M.D.

8. The plaintiff claimed that the injuries he suffered in the above accident was the result of the defendants negligence, the following:

a. The operation of the motor vehicle on a high and excessive rate of speed under the circumstances;

b. If the motor vehicle under reasonable and have adequate control of the time;

c. Failure to give adequate and sufficient warning of the approach of that vehicle;

d. The company said the vehicle without due regard to the rights, safety and the position of the applicant at the point described above;

e. The violation of various regulations of the City of Philadelphia and the Statute of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the operation of motor vehicles;

f. With the applicant in the normal view of avoiding the otherwise exercise the care and vigilance that plaintiffs;

g. Passing a stopped bus and on double yellow lines before striking the body of the applicant;

h. Otherwise, the absence of care under the circumstances to exercise.


Joshua Williams v. Gina Davis

9. The allegations in paragraphs 1 to 8 contained by reference as if on the full set.

10. As a result of the defendants negligence, plaintiff sustained serious injuries, including but not limited to the left fifth finger fractures, contusions, shoulder and knee pain, shock and injury to his nerves and nervous system, and he was otherwise injured.

11. As a result of this accident, the plaintiff sick, sore, lame and caused physical pain all of which was to continue in the future.

12. Another result of this accident, the plaintiff great pain and anguish suffered and will continue to suffer the same in the future.

13. Another result of this accident, the plaintiff an injury, that in whole or in part, a cosmetic disfigurement, which may be permanent, irreparable and difficult it suffered.

14. The applicant has the full tort option, since the vehicle he was wearing at the time of the accident, the full possession of illegal option.

15. As a further result of this accident was plaintiff and / or liable to receive medical attention and care, and spend different amounts or on different issues that have incurred or exceed the sum will be recoverable under the limits in 75 PS § 1711 and he may be obliged to continue to spend such sums or be incurred such expenses for an indefinite time in the future.

16. Another result of this accident can result in the following applicants or other financial expenses or losses that exceed the amounts that he represent or otherwise be entitled to recover or otherwise unrecoverable expenses or losses.

Therefore, plaintiff demands Joshua Williams verdict in his favor and against the defendant, Gina Davis plus an amount of not more than five thousand ($ 50,000.00) Dollars, Free Shipping.


Rachel Williams v. Gina Davis

17. The plaintiff, Rachel Williams hereby includes in paragraphs 1 to 16 above as if set forth herein at length.

18. However due to the aforementioned negligence of the defendant, plaintiff, Rachel Williams of the aid, comfort, support, society, companionship and services of her husband was robbed, and they can be deprived of the same in the future, all that great to their cost and financial loss.

19. Another result of this accident plaintiff Rachel Williams have been or are forced to spend different amounts or caused suffering to various expenses of the above violations by plaintiff, Joshua Williams, and they may be required to continue to spend such sums or incur such expenses an indefinite time in the future.

Therefore, plaintiff demanded Rachel Williams verdict in their favor and against the defendant, Gina Davis plus an amount of not more than five thousand ($ 50,000.00) Dollars, Free Shipping.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

philadelphia injury lawyers

In the matter of Wyeth v. Levine, the Supreme Court ruling came down against Wyeth. This is known as the "Preemption" case. A ruling in the other direction would have wiped out the pharmaceutical mass tort industry and taken away all of our protection as consumers relating to drug safety. The following article was published on March 4, 2009, the day of the ruling.

The Supreme Court today upheld the right of patients who are hurt by a prescription or over-the-counter drug to sue the drug maker for damages. The 6-3 decision rejected a strong move by the Bush administration and the pharmaceutical industry to shield drug makers from lawsuits if their products were approved by the Food and Drug Administration. At issue were suits involving the more than 11,000 drugs on the market in the United States. The outgoing Bush administration told the court last fall that federal approval of a drug "preempts," or bars, juries from deciding whether it is unduly dangerous. But the high court, led by Justice John Paul Stevens, disagreed and said Congress had not taken away the consumer's right to sue. He said the view of the Bush administration "does not merit deference," particularly considering that the FDA prior to the Bush era had favored lawsuits as a means of protecting consumers from dangerous drugs.

Today's ruling upholds a nearly $7 million jury verdict in favor of a Vermont musician whose right arm was amputated after she was injected with an anti-nausea drug made by Wyeth. The injection struck an artery and caused gangrene, a rare but occasional complication from directly administering Phenergan, the anti-nausea drug. Diana Levine, the Vermont woman, settled a suit against the clinic that gave her the injection and then sued Wyeth. She contended that the drug maker had not properly warned her and other consumers of the danger. In its defense, Wyeth said the federally approved warning label told doctors and nurses to use extreme caution when injecting the drug. Levine and her lawyers said that was not sufficient. Who would take an injection to relieve nausea, she asked, if a patient knew she could lose her arm as a result? The jury agreed with her and awarded her $6.7 million in damages. In its appeal in Wyeth v. Levine, the drug company argued that since the FDA had approved its warning label as adequate, a jury should not have the power to second-guess this conclusion. "Congress has repeatedly declined to preempt state law," Stevens said today. "Wyeth has not persuaded us that failure-to-warn claims like Levine's obstruct the federal regulation of drug labeling." Justices Anthony M. Kennedy, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Steven G. Breyer agreed with him. Justice Clarence Thomas concurred in the result. Thomas has been reluctant to go along with decisions that say federal regulations trumps state law. The dissenters were Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel A. Alito Jr. "This case illustrates that tragic facts make bad law," Alito wrote. He called the result "a frontal assault on the FDA's regulatory regime for drug labeling."

The defense argued that because the federal government (via the FDA) regulates drugs, patients should not be allowed to sue in state court when drug makers follow the rules established by the FDA. Fortunately, the court rejected this argument. Justice Stevens wrote the majority opinion, "We conclude that it is not impossible for Wyeth to comply with its state and federal law obligations." He was joined in his opinion by Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer. Thomas wrote an opinion that was in agreement with this. But Roberts Alito, and Scalia dissented.

Wyeth's lawyer was quoted saying, "We believed that Federal law prohibited the company from revising its product label as the Vermont court required, and we regret that the Supreme Court disagreed. The medical and scientific experts at FDA are in the best position to weigh the risks and benefits of a medicine and to assess how those risks and benefits should be described in the product's label."

Levine's lawyer commented on the ruling, "The Supreme Court's opinion reaffirms the important role state law plays in promoting consumer safety and providing compensation for injuries. More importantly, the decision permits Ms. Levine to put this chapter behind her and to move on with her life."

In a story that received coverage from many news sources, the New York Times (3/5, A1, Liptak) reports on its front page, "In a major setback for business groups that had hoped to build a barrier against injury lawsuits seeking billions of dollars, the Supreme Court on Wednesday said state juries may award damages for harm from unsafe drugs even though their manufacturers had satisfied federal regulators." The decision "could have significant implications beyond drug manufacturing" and "many companies have sought tighter federal regulation in recent years in part to shield themselves from litigation."

The Washington Post (3/5, A2, Barnes) reports, "The 6 to 3 vote in the court's most anticipated business decision of the term was a rejection of Bush administration policy and a major setback to pharmaceutical companies, which face thousands of lawsuits in state courts from patients who allege that drugs have harmed them."

The Associated Press (3/5) reports, "The Supreme Court" upheld "a $6.7 million jury award to a musician who lost her arm to gangrene following an injection." The plaintiff, "Diana Levine of Vermont once played the guitar and piano professionally" and "her right arm was amputated after she was injected with Phenergan, an anti-nausea medicine made by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, using a method that brings rapid relief, but with grievous risks if improperly administered." There were many other outlets that covered the Wyeth ruling, including: Business Week (3/5, Johnson), CBS News (3/5, Cohen), the San Francisco Chronicle (3/5, Egelko), the Wall Street Journal (3/5, Bravin), the Legal Times (3/5, Mauro) reports, the AP (3/5, Curran), the Legal Intelligencer (3/4, Passarella), the Los Angeles Times (3/5, Savage), Dow Jones Newswires (3/5, Anderson), USA Today (3/5, Biskupic, Appleby), UPI (3/4) ABC World News (3/4, story 9, 0:30, Gibson), CBS Evening News (3/4, story 4, 2:00, Couric) and NBC Nightly News (3/4, story 5, 2:05, Williams).

Drug industry may face more litigation after ruling. The Financial Times (3/5, Jack) reports, "Pharmaceutical companies face substantial extra litigation after the US Supreme Court ruled yesterday that safety warnings on their drugs approved by federal regulators did not protect them from lawsuits in individual states." The ruling "marks the failure of efforts by the industry to fight legal settlements by imposing federal pre-emption, an argument that had been supported by George W. Bush's administration."

Bloomberg News (3/4, Stohr) reported that now drugmakers can be sued "for failing to provide adequate safety warnings." Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in the opinion, "Congress did not intend FDA oversight to be the exclusive means of ensuring drug safety and effectiveness." The ruling "might help former users of Wyeth's Prempro and Premarin menopause drugs and consumers of AstraZeneca Plc's antipsychotic drug Seroquel." However, "the impact isn't clear for allegations that Pfizer Inc. and GlaxoSmithKline Plc should have done more to warn that their anti-depressants might cause suicidal tendencies."

The Philadelphia Inquirer (3/5, Hill) reports that Sol Weiss, a Philadelphia plaintiffs' lawyer, said, "This doesn't mean you're going to win, but you get your day in court." He is "not involved in this case" but "he is hoping that the decision will revive his cases involving Pfizer Inc.'s antidepressant Zoloft and GlaxoSmithKline P.L.C.'s antianxiety agent Paxil." The Wall Street Journal (3/5, Johnson, Mundy, Bravin) also covers the story.

Ruling may make drugmakers more cautious, halt development. The AP (3/5) reports that the ruling "could make drugmakers more cautious about safety issues and may lead them to halt development of some medicines and even pull others off the market." Erik Gordon, an analyst and professor at University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, said, "They will weigh how prevalent the side effect is, how serious the side effect is, versus the number of people benefiting from the drug and the amount of money being made by the drug."

Ruling seen as contradictory to medical device case. The New York Times (3/5, B1, Meier, Singer) reports on the front page of its Business Day section that the "result of a decision Wednesday by the Supreme Court" was that "federal law does not protect drug companies from product liability suits in state courts." However, "in contrast, the Supreme Court ruled last year that federal law does bar such lawsuits against the makers of heart stents, artificial joints and other critical medical devices." David C. Vladeck, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center, said, "I think this is going to force Congress to revisit the issue of why medical devices should be insulated from lawsuits."

Wyeth loss seen as possible victory in disguise. Forbes (3/5, Fisher) reports, "Wyeth's loss dashes the hopes of those who support pre-emption as a tactic for cutting back on excessive jury awards in product-liability cases, which the court affirmed last year in Riegel v. Medtronic." However, "Wyeth v. Levine may be a victory in disguise. By stepping back from the brink and refusing to give drug companies federal immunity from suits under state laws, the court has likely prevented an even more toxic response from the Democrat-controlled Congress."

Papers weigh in on Wyeth ruling. The Wall Street Journal (3/5) editorializes, "The decision is a huge victory for plaintiffs lawyers, but it's a much bigger defeat for drug innovation and public health." The Journal adds, "Yesterday's ruling will expose drug companies to a kind of double innovation jeopardy." Concluding, the Journal argues that now drug companies "will have to contemplate paying up front -- and paying later, even if the tragic mistake in applying the drug is someone else's. Wyeth is a dream come true for the plaintiffs bar."

In stark contrast, the New York Times (3/5) editorializes, "The Supreme Court made a wise and surprising decision on Wednesday when it rejected a drug company's claim that it cannot be sued for damages in state courts if a product and its label have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration." The ruling "demolished the notion that federal regulatory rulings automatically pre-empt the states from enforcing even tougher standards on drugs" and "also exposed as a sham the Bush administration's strenuous efforts to protect its allies in industry with phony pre-emption claims." The Times concludes, "We hope this decision will put the brakes on efforts to stifle damage suits in other areas as well."

Wyeth decision seen as not enough to end Michigan's drug law. In an op-ed in the Detroit Free Press (3/5) Henry Greenspan, who teaches about the FDA, ethics and policy at the University of Michigan, writes, "Today was a good one for justice in America - but we in Michigan remain saddled with a law that is based on precisely the argument the high court rejected." He adds that the court's decision in Wyeth "is not enough to end Michigan's statute." Greenspan concludes, "The state senators who have blocked repeal will now have to argue that they know better than two-thirds of the Supreme Court" and "they will have to explain why they maintain a view of the FDA that the court called 'meritless' and 'untenable.

philadelphia injury lawyers

If you have been injured as a result of someone's negligence, a Philadelphia liability lawyer can assist you in recovering damages for your injury claim for premises liability or product liability. In order to file a claim for damages, you must prove that the other person was negligent. If you make claim against a property owner, you must prove that you had a right to be on the property. You must also prove that the condition that cased your injury could have been foreseen and prevented by the property owner, and of course, you must have an injury and compensable damages like medical bills. This is known as Philadelphia premises liability.

If your injury was caused by a product that was defective, the law is a little different. Philadelphia product liability is usually absolute liability. Unless you used the product in manner that it was not intended to be used for, the manufacturer is liable for any damages resulting from the product. This is especially true of products meant for human consumption, like food and drugs. If you have been injured by a product, be sure to document your injury and save copies of all medical bills and reports. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

Instances which involve automobile accidents work in a slightly different manner. When a car accident occurs, the fault usually lies with both drivers in some way, which is why many lawyers and claims adjusters work together to determine roughly how much damage each driver was at fault for and then allocate the damages accordingly. For instance, if the blame is more than fifty percent yours, then you have no right to claim for the damages your vehicle sustained. It is highly recommended that you seek the help of a qualified liability attorney, especially in an instance where an injury has resulted, whether minor or serious.

There are a wealth of Philadelphia liability lawyers that have the knowledge and experience you need to handle your case properly. Be sure that the lawyer you choose has a particular history in handling cases such as yours, and try to research a bit of history on those cases. If most of the outcomes were in the favor of the injured party, then your outlook is probably pretty good. No one should have to suffer through an injury that was not their fault, nor should they be left to pay for medical expenses and deal with lost wages. Please, contact a legal representative as soon as possible.

philadelphia injury lawyers

Have you been the subject of any sort of damage due to negligence? Did you lose a case or suffer injury because of the carelessness of an attorney or physician? If you live in the area, a Philadelphia malpractice lawyer can help you.

There is a saying along the lines of, "Nobody likes a lawyer until they need one." Unfortunately, this holds too true for many individuals who have been stung by a negligent lawyer. If you feel that your lawyer did not do his or her best on your case, charged you an outrageous fee, or broke the confidentiality agreement, you will indeed need another lawyer's help to bring the negligent one to justice. It may be a bit hard to trust another legal professional again, but take the time to research the background, credentials, and reputation of all candidates before you choose one to represent you.

Medical malpractice is when a doctor or health care provider deviates from standard operating procedure and by doing so causes injury or death to a patient. There are four elements of negligence that you must prove. First, that they had a legal duty to give proper care when taking you into their care. Also, that they did not provide that care or not in the correct way. You will likely need an expert witness for that part. Next, that you were injured because of that breach of ethic. Lastly, you need to offer evidence of the devastation you have undergone as a result. Your Philadelphia lawyer can help you gather this evidence.

Legal malpractice occurs when an attorney causes harm to their client through dereliction of duty. Perhaps it was as innocent as simply failing to file paperwork on time, letting the statute of limitations expire and making you lose your claim. It can also happen when a lawyer is putting their own needs before those of the client. To be successful, you will have to show that it was a mistake made not out of poor strategy but by breach of ethics.

Depending on your case, you and your lawyers working together may be successful or may not be. Remember that both methods of carelessness are governed by a statute of limitations. So go find a Philadelphia malpractice lawyer and win your case today! 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Making a Product or Premises Liability Claim

If you have been injured as a result of someone's negligence, a Philadelphia liability lawyer can assist you in recovering damages for your injury claim for premises liability or product liability. In order to file a claim for damages, you must prove that the other person was negligent. If you make claim against a property owner, you must prove that you had a right to be on the property. You must also prove that the condition that cased your injury could have been foreseen and prevented by the property owner, and of course, you must have an injury and compensable damages like medical bills. This is known as Philadelphia premises liability.

If your injury was caused by a product that was defective, the law is a little different. Philadelphia product liability is usually absolute liability. Unless you used the product in manner that it was not intended to be used for, the manufacturer is liable for any damages resulting from the product. This is especially true of products meant for human consumption, like food and drugs. If you have been injured by a product, be sure to document your injury and save copies of all medical bills and reports. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

Instances which involve automobile accidents work in a slightly different manner. When a car accident occurs, the fault usually lies with both drivers in some way, which is why many lawyers and claims adjusters work together to determine roughly how much damage each driver was at fault for and then allocate the damages accordingly. For instance, if the blame is more than fifty percent yours, then you have no right to claim for the damages your vehicle sustained. It is highly recommended that you seek the help of a qualified liability attorney, especially in an instance where an injury has resulted, whether minor or serious.

There are a wealth of Philadelphia liability lawyers that have the knowledge and experience you need to handle your case properly. Be sure that the lawyer you choose has a particular history in handling cases such as yours, and try to research a bit of history on those cases. If most of the outcomes were in the favor of the injured party, then your outlook is probably pretty good. No one should have to suffer through an injury that was not their fault, nor should they be left to pay for medical expenses and deal with lost wages. Please, contact a legal representative as soon as possible.

How A Malpractice Lawyer Can Help You

Have you been the subject of any sort of damage due to negligence? Did you lose a case or suffer injury because of the carelessness of an attorney or physician? If you live in the area, a Philadelphia malpractice lawyer can help you.

There is a saying along the lines of, "Nobody likes a lawyer until they need one." Unfortunately, this holds too true for many individuals who have been stung by a negligent lawyer. If you feel that your lawyer did not do his or her best on your case, charged you an outrageous fee, or broke the confidentiality agreement, you will indeed need another lawyer's help to bring the negligent one to justice. It may be a bit hard to trust another legal professional again, but take the time to research the background, credentials, and reputation of all candidates before you choose one to represent you.

Medical malpractice is when a doctor or health care provider deviates from standard operating procedure and by doing so causes injury or death to a patient. There are four elements of negligence that you must prove. First, that they had a legal duty to give proper care when taking you into their care. Also, that they did not provide that care or not in the correct way. You will likely need an expert witness for that part. Next, that you were injured because of that breach of ethic. Lastly, you need to offer evidence of the devastation you have undergone as a result. Your Philadelphia lawyer can help you gather this evidence.

Legal malpractice occurs when an attorney causes harm to their client through dereliction of duty. Perhaps it was as innocent as simply failing to file paperwork on time, letting the statute of limitations expire and making you lose your claim. It can also happen when a lawyer is putting their own needs before those of the client. To be successful, you will have to show that it was a mistake made not out of poor strategy but by breach of ethics.

Depending on your case, you and your lawyers working together may be successful or may not be. Remember that both methods of carelessness are governed by a statute of limitations. So go find a Philadelphia malpractice lawyer and win your case today!